Benefits of a Suspended Fireplace in Your Home

The modern world is full of all sorts of high-tech innovations that are designed to make life easier for people. However, some modern conveniences may not be necessary for every home. One modern convenience that has become more popular in recent years is a suspended fireplace. These fireplaces can provide many benefits for homeowners, including contemporary design and increased safety. If you’re considering adding this modern feature to your home, take the time to read through our list of five reasons why it’s worth it!

It enhances the value of your home

One benefit that may not be immediately apparent is how these fireplaces can increase the resale value of your home. Potential buyers are sure to notice this feature, which will make them more likely to buy! So if you ever decide to put your house on the market, one of these fireplaces will be a great selling point.

Fireplaces come in a variety of styles and designs

Fireplaces are often seen in homes or buildings that have traditional décor. Fireplaces such as the Aurora suspended fireplace can present a modern look without sacrificing the style of your home. If you want to give your living room an updated appearance, this feature will make it happen! You can also customise them in several different ways. For example, you’ll be able to choose the colour and style so that it matches your home perfectly. You can also decide whether you want it to be a gas or electric fireplace. It’s even possible to put the fire in an area that doesn’t have a wall, perfect for open floor plans!

Suspended Fireplaces are safer overall

One of the most significant issues with traditional fireplaces is safety hazards. The heat from a burning fire can cause problems if not used properly, making it an area for concern in some homes. However, this issue does not exist when you have a suspended fireplace! These fires do not create any substantial smoke or heat, making them a safe choice for any home. A suspended fireplace is a fantastic alternative for houses with small children or pets since there’s less risk of them stumbling into or touching it, resulting in burns. These fireplaces will not only keep your home safer, but they also come with many other benefits to consider!

These suspended fireplaces are made with modern technology that can make life easier for homeowners by providing features like remote control and an app to monitor your fireplace from anywhere. So if you’re looking for ways to make your home more convenient and up-to-date, a suspended fireplace is the way to go.

Offers more space

Let’s face it – traditional fireplaces can take up a lot of space. Whether they are only used as an accent piece or the primary heating source in your living room, you have to put up with their bulky appearance and large size. With suspended fireplaces, you won’t have this problem! They also provide superior heating that all fireplaces offer. These fires can be designed to fit in a wide range of spaces, so if your living room is lacking space or large furniture – now’s the time to update it with a suspended fireplace, designed specifically for your home.

You can make it a focal point

Suspended fireplaces are perfect if you want to add some extra flair and design to your living room. These modern designs come in an assortment of shapes and styles that will allow you to find the best option for any home. Whether you’re looking for something sleek or big and bold – we have you covered! For information on a fireplace installation service, talk to Fireside today!

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