Wood Burning Stove Buying Guide – Top Things to Consider

The advantages of having a wood-burning stove in your home are many: from the cozy crackles and smell to the gentle warmth that spreads throughout the room, there’s no shortage of reasons why so many homeowners turn to wood-burning stoves as an integral component of their homes. But with hundreds (if not thousands) of available models on the market, how can you be sure to get the best wood heater that suits your needs? Look no further – this guide will give you all you need to know before purchasing. We’ll cover everything from safety considerations and design options to helpful advice for finding the right size and shape for your living space.

Types of Stoves

First, you need to decide which type of stove best suits your needs. There are three main types: freestanding stoves, built-in stoves, and inserts. Freestanding stoves, like the Lopi Evergreen, are the most traditional option and tend to be the least expensive. Due to their size and design, built-in stoves can provide more heat output and offer more installation options than freestanding models. A wood-burning fireplace insert is designed specifically for existing fireplaces and is installed directly into the fireplace opening; it typically provides the highest heat output of all three types.

Size Matters

When it comes to wood-burning stoves, bigger isn’t always better—it’s all about finding the right size for your space. Too large of a stove could pose a potential safety hazard; too small of one won’t adequately warm your home. The size of your room or space should be considered when choosing the size of your wood-burning stove; generally speaking, larger rooms require larger stoves, while smaller rooms require smaller ones. You may also want to consider how much heat output you need from your stove—the higher the heat output rating, the faster your room will warm up! The Lopi Endeavor is ideal for heating medium to large homes and is one of the cleanest burning mid-sized wood stoves available.

Design & Features

Wood-burning stoves come in various designs and features, from traditional to contemporary. Look for stoves with features that make them easier to use and maintain. You will find a wood stove with a cooking surface, and some have air wash systems that keep the glass clean, while others have ash pans that make it easy to remove the ashes. 

Type of Fuel

Two primary fuel types are used in wood-burning stoves: hardwood logs and pellets. When selecting a wood-burning stove, it is crucial to understand what kind of fuel it burns. Some are designed specifically for burning traditional logs. At the same time, others can also use pellets made from sawdust and other types of biomass materials, such as corn husks or cherry pits. 

Heating Efficiency

Wood-burning stoves vary in terms of fuel efficiency. When selecting a wood-burning stove, it’s essential to choose one that is EPA-certified and has a high heating efficiency rating. This measurement tells you how much heat is being produced compared to how much energy the unit consumes when running at maximum output capacity. Generally speaking, having a high-efficiency wood stove means lower emissions and heating bills over time – both important considerations when choosing any heating appliance for your home or office space.

Installation Requirements

Installing requires some expertise. Look for wood-burning stove brands with a good reputation for quality and reliability. Read reviews and ask for recommendations from friends or professionals. If you are considering a wood-burning stove vs a fireplace, research the available models and consult a certified expert to find which is best for your situation. Before purchasing, make sure you understand the installation requirements, including any necessary permits, ventilation, and clearance requirements. Consider hiring a professional installer to ensure that whatever you choose is installed correctly. 

Wood-burning stoves are the perfect choice for staying warm in style. Whether you’re looking for something modern or classic, small or large – there’s sure to be one that suits your taste. Ensure you understand the different types available, considering size and capacity requirements, the type of fuel used, and the heating efficiency rating. With these things in mind and an understanding of what makes a fantastic wood-burning stove, you’ll be off to a great start finding one that works for your home – because nothing compares with radiant warmth on demand!

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